You rely on your furnace and air conditioner to keep your home comfortable, so it can be a real issue when one of them needs to be replaced. But what should you do when both need to be replaced? Is it better to replace them at the same time, or should you wait? Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of replacing both your furnace and AC at once.
Cost Savings
One of the biggest benefits of replacing your furnace and AC together is cost savings. Installing two systems separately can cost significantly more than purchasing a matched system. When you buy a new matched system, the manufacturer will often offer package discounts that can save you money in the long run. In addition, installing two systems all at once makes for one installation process instead of two, which can also reduce costs by eliminating labor fees.
Energy Efficiency
Replacing both your furnace and AC at once can also help improve energy efficiency throughout your entire home. Instead of having an old, inefficient heating unit paired with a brand-new cooling system, matching units can work together to ensure that all energy usage is optimized. This means that running either system (or both) will be much more efficient compared to mismatched units.
Warranty Protection
By buying a matched system from a single manufacturer, you get warranty protection on both parts of the system as well as any additional components that may come with it. In most cases, this coverage will last much longer than if each piece was purchased individually from different manufacturers since they are designed to work together seamlessly. This allows for peace of mind knowing that if anything goes wrong with either part of the system during its lifetime, you have coverage in place to protect you financially.
When it comes down to it, there are many benefits associated with replacing both your furnace and air conditioner at the same time – especially in Canada where temperatures fluctuate drastically throughout the year! Not only does this provide cost savings but increased energy efficiency as well as extended warranty protection from a single manufacturer makes this a great option for anyone looking for reliable home climate control options. Ultimately, whether or not you decide to replace them now or wait until later depends on various factors such as budgeting and lifestyle preferences but this overview should give Canadian users enough information to make an informed decision about their next purchase!